The Paithani handloom, kept alive by the weavers for 2000 years, was admired and patronized by the Mughals, Nizams, and the Marathas. In the 17th century under the Peshwas, the production also expanded from Paithan to Yeola, which is now one of the main weaving centres of the Paithani.
The Paithani is handwoven using threads of pure silk and zari. It is known for its luxurious fabric and intricate designs. A key tell-tale sign of an authentic Paithani is that it looks exactly the same on both sides of the fabric with no loose threads.
OnlyPaithani has been working with over 30 weavers since 10 years to preserve this fine art of weaving and our rich tradition. We are trying to keep the authenticity of the Paithani which has been widely diluted with jacquards and powerlooms. At OnlyPaithani, while assuring that your Paithani is handmade, we also aim at introducing new colors and patterns that would appeal to women across all ages.