Bilasa Handloom Emporium
Bilasa Handloom Emporium is the showroom and marketing wing of The Chhattisagrh State Handloom Development and Marketing Co-operative Federation that has been formed in 2000 at Raipur exclusively to undertake the promotion of handloom sector of the state and to generate more employment through the handloom industry. Currently, there are 284 primary weavers co-operative societies associated with the federation with innumerable weavers and artisans benefiting from the organisation. Janjgir-Champa and the Raigarh district of the Chhattisgarh state is famous for Tussar silk production providing employment directly and indirectly to innumerable weavers and artisans. The State got recognition both nationally and internationally for its Tussar silk production. It is also popular for cotton handloom products that have their unique identification.
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